Join Abroadventure
as a Partner

Expand your impact with our global network,
diverse volunteer pool, efficient project
management tools, and dedicated partner support.
Together, let's make a difference.

Become a Partner Now

Why Join Abroadventure?

Expanded Volunteer Pool

Access a diverse and passionate global community of volunteers, increasing your chances of finding the right fit for your projects.

Efficient Project Management

Streamline volunteer management with intuitive tools, simplifying project creation, application tracking, and communication through your dedicated dashboard.


Enhanced Global Exposure

Showcase your organization and projects to a worldwide audience, attracting volunteers who align with your mission and values from different corners of the globe.

Dedicated Partner Support

Receive personalized assistance throughout your partnership journey, from onboarding and account setup to ongoing support and guidance.

Measure Engagement

Track and analyze your organization's impact with our measurement tools, gaining valuable insights to improve your volunteer engagement strategies.

Community Collaboration

Connect and collaborate with like-minded NGOs in our vibrant community, sharing best practices, knowledge, and experiences for collective growth and impact.


How do we handle partnerships with Organizations

1. Submission of Interest

Join our network of impactful NGOs by filling out the form below. We want to learn more about your organization and how we can collaborate to create positive change.

2. Review and Verification

Our dedicated team will carefully review the details you provide to ensure the authenticity and alignment of your organization with Abroadventure's mission. We value integrity and aim to partner with NGOs that share our passion for making a difference.

3. Scheduled Online Meeting

Upon successful verification, we will schedule an online meeting with your organization. This is an opportunity for us to have a meaningful discussion, align our goals, and explore how Abroadventure can support your project management efficiency.

4. Account Creation

Following our meeting, we will create a dedicated account for your organization on the Abroadventure platform. With this account, you gain access to the organization dashboard, enabling you to post volunteering opportunities, manage applications, and engage with our vibrant community of volunteers.

Ready to Join

Fill out the form below with your organization's details, and we'll be in touch to schedule a meeting. We look forward to collaborating with you to create impactful and transformative volunteering experiences.

Fill the form to join us.

Join us in our mission to create a positive social impact and connect with passionate volunteers worldwide. Together, we can make a difference!

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Please chat to our friendly team.
